Compliance Management

Dong-A Socio Group's anti-bribery management system (ABMS) ensures all Dong-A companies comply with the ethical conducts, effectively controlling the associated risks.

  • Strategies and Systems

    Dong-A Socio Group's corporate management philosophy is Jeong-Do Management, meaning that the company is rooted on compliance and fair trade and staying true to its responsibilities as a member of society. Paying efforts to render its management as transparent as possible, we have established transparency guidelines, policies and a separate organization for management transparency, while staying in compliance with ISO 37001 for Anti-Bribery Management Systems(ABMS) and maintaining ISO 37001-certified status. Realizing the Group's ABMS on a methodical basis, we plan to achieve management transparency through three phases.

    How the management transparency is achieved on the Group's 3-phase ABMS
    How the management transparency is achieved on the Group's 3-phase ABMS Image How the management transparency is achieved on the Group's 3-phase ABMS Image
  • Policy
    1. An employee of the Group shall not accept a bribe in relation to his/her duties.
    2. An employee of the Group shall comply with governing local laws and regulations and actively refer to laws and regulations of other countries in implementation of his/her duties.
    3. A manager in the Group shall establish corporate-level compliance objectives and execution plans. Each working-level section shall establish the relevant working-level objectives and execution plans to help achieve management compliance.
    4. On questionable matters, an employee of the Group has a right to confidently raise an objection against any matters without facing any retaliation.
    5. Under detailed standards of operation, managers and committees in the Group will be able to serve under their own rights and responsibilities, independently from outside influences.
    6. An employee of the Group shall stay in compliance with the governing policies and procedures and will be referred to disciplinary action under the related personnel policies and procedures.
    7. Policies must be shared clearly with not only employees and executives of the Group, but employees and executives of the partner companies exposed to bribery risks working with the Group.
    8. Policies must be made available to any persons with an interest. (Jeong-Do Management Website, Dong-A Socio Group)
  • Organization

    Under the Jeong-Do Management Team's roadmap, Dong-A Socio Group is achieving management transparency through ABMS. Each Dong-A company having established its own ABMS has an Anti-bribery Committee comprised of the anti-bribery manager and committee members to ensure compliance under control by holding meetings periodically.. Anti-bribery policies will be reviewed by such anti-bribery manager and, if necessary, the CEO of the company and activities conducted under ABMS will be reported to the Board of Directors. Also controlling bribery risks is Jeong-Do Management Team by training and educating Anti-bribery Committee members and establishing corporate cultures favorable to ABMS.

    Dong-A Socio Group ABMS Roadmap
    Dong-A Socio Group ABMS Roadmap Image Dong-A Socio Group ABMS Roadmap Image
  • Compliance Management System Operations

    Each and every employee and executive of Dong-A Socio Group including the CEO annually submits its written oath of practicing Jeong-Do Management. Anti-bribery provisions are included in a framework contract entered into with vendors to stipulate a duty of transparency and fair trade. Prevention of accepting and offering bribery is in practice under the Group-level anti-solicitation and anti-bribery policies and the internal whistle-blowing system. Practicing of Dong-A Socio Group's Jeong-Do Management is solidified by annual employee surveys, off-line training sessions, and on-line education sessions in Universität, the Group’s e-learning platform.

  • Certificate
    • Dong-A Socio Holdings ISO 37001(Anti-Bribery Management Systems)